Saturday, November 23, 2013

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!  A Birthday for Knights, Princesses and Dragons!

So I greatly enjoy the creativity of planning a birthday party for my kids. Each year reflects their current hobbies and changes in their little personalities.  This year my son Asher turned 4 and I had to smile as I thought back over the years and his Birthday Themes.  When he was 2, he choose Owls which I quickly was able to pull together....Owls are so popular!

When he turned 3 he choose easy! 
But as we approached 4, he made a special request for a Knight and Princess Party.....not so easy! I looked in stores and on the internet and almost every option was very expensive or too grown up for a 4 year old.  So, for those of you who are also have kids that love a good Medieval Party I had to share my easy and inexpensive solution!


Food! A Feast for Kings!

In the summer we can't help but use the grill, so we decided on a BBQ.  We just had to figure out how to make this all work for our Knight theme, so I came up with some clever food name cards.


Dragon Fire Grilled Meats


Bravery Beans!


And to add some fun we converted a large piece of wood into a long table for our Knights and Princesses to enjoy their banquet.  We placed the board on top of 5 gallon pals and used 2 long plastic table clothes with a long red runner.  Very Fun!




Next Came the Costumes!

Let me tell you how expensive options are online....very!  To keep it reasonable and easy I asked all the parents to dress up their kids and I made a simple crown with felt, hot glue and a scissor so everyone felt extra Royal.
For my boys they already had some Knight costumes, but I bought some fabric to make tunics.  I used a scissors to cut a hole for their heads and used felt to decorate the front.  A little hot glue to put the felt on and they were all set!



Let the Games Begin!

Since my children are young we always aim for simple.  Which usually mean a book and a piñata.  This year I picked "The Knight and the Dragon", which has a few words and allows the kids to help explain the pictures.  We followed this up with our "Pinata" of sorts.... 
 I skipped the traditional piñata, which they love to help with for a new idea...Piñata Dragon Eggs.  I made the piñata but instead of hanging the piñata I decided to use tissue paper to wrap up the entire egg which of course was filled with treats for the children.  They loved the idea and so did the little guests.  Each guest picked a friend to open up their egg with and shared the goodies with everyone! So easy and so fun!

And for some easy Medieval play we brought out all of our toys that fit the theme.  I find that usually my kids have toys in any theme they choose since it is something they are "into" at that age.  We  had a castle that the toddlers really liked!


Okay, I really went basic on Décor since we were outside and we had the cool banquet table.  I was able to make some nice banners for the special day out of paper and that was it!  It was great with the theme and I was quite happy with the effect.




And of course every Feast needs some Cake!

My mom did a beautiful job with a castle cake which she complimented with some Knight and Dragon bath toys. 
The day was a success and I am happy that Asher choose a Knight party~

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