Sunday, February 10, 2013

Skip the Cart! Let's make Valentine's from the Heart!

My kids eye were so big as we walked through the store with boxes upon boxes of St. Valentine's Day cards.  They each picked their box, but as soon as we were at home and about to sit down to writing names on them they quickly wanted to run away to play.  Asher is too young to write, so I understand his desire to go play and Anika had no interest in writing her name 20 times.  This simply wasn't worth the battle and we had a few weeks, so i decided to try again the next day. 

The next day brought no more success, so I decided to try a new approach.  The kids LOVE to share their own creations, so maybe we could make our valentines this year.  We needed simple Valentine's Day cards to make this feat achievable, so I put my creativity to the test.

Of course I checked the internet for some inspiration, which found lavish and perfectly made valentine's beyond not only the abilities of the kids...but admittedly beyond my ability too.  So, I simplified and came up with some kid appealling ideas.  They loved making the Valentine's Day cards and I am sure that those that receive these unique pieces of art will feel very LOVED!

Turtles, Butterflies and Superheroes

Construction Paper

I started by cutting construction paper in the basic shapes for our Valentines. 

The kids used their marker's to decorate their valentines.  Anika had a list of her classmates so she addressed each one herself (Proud mommy moment!).  For Asher I added his name to each piece of art.

I folded each valentine in half the long way and make two small slits where the lollipop could be inserted.

The kids helped add the lollipop making some  SUPER cute Valentine's extra special!

Then we added a little tape to secure the lollipop and I officially felt like a SUPERHERO MOMMY!


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